Thursday, March 22, 2007

I'm Cheating on You

You know what I need to kvetch about? Time. There's not enough time to do everything I want to do. Like watch the whole Family Guy DVD box set. That would be sweet.

But seriously, I haven't been able to blog here, because I've been blogging elsewhere. Yes, I'm cheating on kvetchisthenewblog. And by extension, you. Sorry, gentle reader.

So why am I doing this? Because I am in the process of having eye surgery. It's a pretty new procedure, and when I was researching it I found no patient-based information on the internet. So I wanted to answer for others some of the questions that I had. If you want to read about my bionic eye (I've only had one done so far), point yourself over to:

It's really pretty interesting stuff. I haven't written about the actual surgery yet, but I'm almost there, and the pre-operative procedure where a laser blows a hole in my iris is pretty cool. Maybe this weekend I'll get to the surgery, in between the packing for our move next week and, you know, sleep.

I'm so sorry that I'm a cheater. I just couldn't help myself. Man isn't meant to live with one blog alone. But each one takes so much energy, why would he want more than one?


Quintam said...

Ah,I see. So that makes us the mistresses? I've always wanted to be a kept woman. . .but seriously, I want to see pics. the grosser, the better.

The Marshal said...

I actually don't have any pictures. One person on a user group said that he/she posted a video. I'll see if I can find it.