Thursday, July 17, 2008

Real Men of Annoying

Kvetchisthenewblog presents: Real men of annoyance. Please supply the music in your own heads.

Real men of annnoooooooooooyance!

Today, Kvetchisthenewblog salutes you, Mr. Bathroom Newspaper reader.

Mr. Bathroom Newspaper Reeeeeaaaaader!

Because every house is your house, you gallantly take your newspaper into the work bathroom and get far too comfortable while sitting on the communal commode.

Pass over the sports page!

As you do in your home toilet, you peruse the post while on the throne, because it would not do to be bored during those anxious few moments where you are seperated from all electronic and social stimulants.

Cause I'm afraaaaaaaaid I'd drop my iPod!

And when you are done browsing the news of the day, you generously leave the newspaper hanging from the handlebar, in the spirit of true egalitarianism. In that same spirit, you leave the newsaper in the time after you wiped and before you washed your hands, so that any man who picks up that paper can get your poop particles all over themselves.

Soooooaaap is for chuuuuuuuuuumps!

So here's to you, oh Baron of the Broadsheets. Without your bold actions, we might not never have known the score of the Royals game last night. Or had to wash our hands for a preemptive second time.

Mr. Bathroom Newspaper Reeeeeaaaaader!

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