Monday, January 22, 2007

Throwing out challenges - I've got balls

I'm sorry to throw out the first time I'm blogging on here. But I need some help and amusement. So any advice is much appreciated. Oh, and if you want a bit about my disease, I just posted a new blog on my own personal blog which has a very brief description of my disease.

First, I need to get a medical bracelet for my lack-of-platelets condition. OK, seriously, am I 200 years old? The first challenge - can anyone find the ugliest, stupidest looking medical alert bracelet ever? Should I just get a tattoo of myself on my wrist bleeding profusely?

Below is the mascot for my disease. It's from the Platelet Disorder Society ( Seriously, a platelet pal. This is the LAMEST mascot for any disease I have ever seen. The second challenge is for anyone to find a better mascot. I mean, seriously. He should at least have the ability to squirt blood out of his eyes or something.

padPlatelet Pal

Platelet Pal is a great friend to brighten your life. It will be a special friend to anyone but especially someone with low platelets. It comes with a large plastic clip. The clip is great for hanging your Platelet Pal as a decoration in your home or office.

At nine inches tall it makes quite a statement. This guy is guaranteed to raise your spirits and who knows, maybe your platelets. A great gift idea to give yourself or someone you care about. You might like a Platelet Pal for your wall and a Junior Platelet Pal for your keys or vehicle.


OptimisticalCynical said...

Totally blinged out Medic Alert Bracelets.

OptimisticalCynical said...
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OptimisticalCynical said...

Oh, and sorry about the balls. I'm sure they'll retract.

Last post retracted due to a friggin' spelling error.