Thursday, August 21, 2008

On elimination, or "The Metro parking lot is covered in poop"


I notice this when I park at the non-garage metro near my house, as it is unenclosed, and has a large flock of geese hanging out there. Large, incontinent geese.

You wouldn't think this, because it a giant horking parking lot, which takes 5-10 minutes to cross fully, can be seen from space, and has a large amount of very treeless space. A large percentage of which is spattered with poop.

Now I don't want to play a game that I once played with Queendweeb's mom (an incredibly surreal attempt at guessing the animal based on examination of a pile of poop, which remains one of my favorite memories of Queendweeb's mom), but there is a lot of poop on the ground at the parking lot. And even a casual inspection, which I make as I walk by and try not to step in any of it, seems to reveal that this poop is both copious in form and in variety. And much of it has been run over by cars. There's a whole lot of different poop. Yes, this is what I think of on the way to my job. Located in an actual office, where I work, using a post graduate degree. That was not gained for any sort of post-graduate poop analysis.

So, there's a lot of poop, and it occurs to me, that within my limited sample area (from the car to the station) there still seems to be such a variety of poop, that it could not possibly all have come from one type of animal. But the geese are the only animals in this geographically isolated giant parking lot. So how did the rest of it get there? Is it a dog walking spot? Is there a herd of ruminant animals, sporting a very high fiber diet, who traipse around the parking lot around lunchtime? There is a lot of grass...Perhaps there's a small group of buffalo, cows, llamas (llama? llamae?), and perhaps a Yak? Because some of this seems like large-gauge poop. And then, as I shift my course approximately 3 feet to the right, part of me thinks...human? Lord help me, that's a gross thought and I...four feet to the right...

So I wonder about this. It's the kind of thing that the Metro personnel might know, but I don't think I'll ask them. Not only would it be embarrassing, they obviously don't seem concerned about it. They do have a lot of heavy equipment, but I think it is meant to clean up after other airborne messes, like sleet. Otherwise, there would be less poop drying in the sun. And fewer Geese. And more people walking in straight paths. As I look up, for a moment I hear the stately honking call of one of the parking lot's chief decorators. Then I hurry forward, trying to make myself as small a target as possible.

I, like many people, have been pooped on by nature. But not today, nature, not today. Optimisticalcynical 1 - Nature 0. I win for now...But those geese will have an awful lot of time alone with my car.

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